Remote wellness – How to help employees feel valued

In a world where hybrid or 100% remote working has become “The Norm” we all face times where it can affect our personal health and wellbeing. We are aware that social exclusion, loneliness, and poor mental health are strongly correlated. Employees who struggle to communicate effectively at work may feel excluded or alone.
According to statistics pulled from numerous mental health surveys, only one in five employees stated that their employer has provided additional mental health services since the start of the pandemic, down from 35 percent 2019 (Pre-Covid). Stigma in the workplace continues to be a significant problem, and employees are having difficulty accessing mental health care.
So, how can organisations support mental health?
Creating a positive workplace
Consider the type of workplace culture you wish to establish. By embracing people from various backgrounds and valuing their differences, you can foster a positive, inclusive workplace atmosphere. Work becomes a positive experience rather than one that is anxious when leaders foster an environment of empathy, optimism, trust, and compassion.
Routine check-ins
Leads and managers need to increase engagement and build a trusting and open environment where staff feel they can be open and honest about their issues and make them fee “heard”.
People have the opportunity to be more open and it lessens stress. This can also give managers the ability to look for stress or deteriorating employee mental health. The manager and other team members’ relationship is strengthened by these open chat sessions.
Health and wellbeing programmes
HR should make sure that mental health therapies and wellness programmes are offered as part of their benefit package. This can include nutrition and health coaches as well as life coaches coming on board to offer fun, active and insightful seminars or workshops. I have had the luxury of being involved in workplace wellness programmes and could see the benefits these offer to the workplace. They help people adapt to a more healthy lifestyle from putting the mobile phone away early to going out for lunchtime walks. These workshops are very engaging and really give food for thought on how we can create a better balance in our everyday lives.
Express gratitude
A sincere praise or a simple “thank you” can go a long way in expressing appreciation. The motivation and morale of your team are boosted when leaders take the time to acknowledge individuals. A thoughtful gesture doesn’t have to be expensive or excessive as long as it’s sincere.
Implementing the above measures will not only show your staff how much you care and value them, but will also support them as they adjust to working virtually, especially during the uncertain times we live in. Employee recognition done well should lead to a high retention rate, a positive and thriving culture, and productive working relationships across the business.
To discuss this topic further please feel free to get in touch with us!